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Entries in vanitas art (82)


Vanitas 21 work in progress

This is what I have on my easel right now. "Vanitas 21", pastel on black illustration board. I started working on this last week and it is now almost finished. Just a few things here and there that I still need to tweak. I can work fast in pastel and especially when the image has so much blank negative space like this one. My show is fast approaching, I hope I can finish at least one more piece for this Vanitas series before the show.


Ohio Art League 2019 Fall Juried Show

I got 2 pieces (Vanitas 17 and Vanitas 18) accepted into Ohio Art League's 2019 Fall Juried Show. This year I have shown my works in more shows than any past years. So far total 16 shows and still counting. It is not cheap to get into so many shows, but I am hoping it is all worth it. Will see...

Here is another poster of the show. I see quite a few familiar pieces. Looking forward to the opening!


Vanitas 19

I just finished a new drawing Vanitas 19 today. This was a little tricky to do because this paper had so much roughness to the surface texture which I did not realize until a half way into the drawing. Somehow I managed to keep it under control though. This was a small drawing and took me just a week to complete. Nice change of pace before I move onto my next large piece...


Vanitas 18 finished (6-30-2019)

I finally finished Vanitas 18 today. It took me a while, but I am relieved that it looks good and I am ready to move onto the next piece.


Vanitas 18 update (05-22-2019)

I started working on Vanitas 18 a few weeks ago. I am hoping I can finish it in early June. This is a relatively larger graphite drawing of 17" x 25". So far I am happy about the way this is going.