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Entries in vanitas art (82)


Vanitas 6 complete

I decided not to do anything to the negative space. As they say, less is more. This drawing is already illustrative enough in several ways. Adding anything else on top of this would have made this piece overly "preachy". I did a little more fine-tuning around the hand and the arm, then this one's finished.



Vanitas 6 Update (08-07-2016)

Well, the figure part of this drawing (22" x 15") is almost finished. The hand and arm still need a little more work. I am not 100% sure about what to do with the background though... Should I just leave it blank just as it is??? I need to think.



Vanitas 6 started

For these few days I have been working on this new pastel drawing: Vanitas 6. From Vanitas 1 through 5, they were all black and white graphite drawings, so I wanted to add some colors to my work this time. This is still work in progress, but it is moving much much faster than super detailed graphite drawings naturally. I am working on black Canson paper.


Vanitas 5

I did this small (9" x 9") graphite drawing last week. As a part of the upcoming Urban Scrawl weekend in Franklinton Arts District, I was asked if I was interested in contributing a small artwork to be exhibited during the event in the adjacent gallery space: OAL X Space. This piece was done based on a photograph I got from one of the earlier photo sessions with my model Lea. I had always wanted to use this image for my piece and this was the perfect chance to do so.


Vanitas 3-2 (renamed Vanitas 4) finished! (06-19-2016)

And now it's finally done!

Moving on to the next piece. For the next one, I will probably not use graphite like this...